Friday, February 02, 2007

Resolutions schmesolutions

I know, long time no post. It occurs to me that I have a lot of random stuff to comment on/write about, but I'm not sure what I want to become of this thing.

I've been keeping an online journal of sorts for about six years now, and it's gotten to the point where I've started worrying about what people reading it would think. My original intent was to be more open and it was important to me to be honest with what I was thinking, but now I worry. Do I want to move to be more anonymous (moving here off deadletter was a step in that direction), so that employers, etc., can't see this, or go the complete opposite, go back to my original intent, and stop trying to hide. I'm not sure yet.

For the time being, some updates of the prosaic: I have a job I like, for the most part. I work with my husband (same place, near each other, but not on the same team). My arthritis has been pretty bad the past few months. My family's been having some financial problems so I've been funneling my money to them. I've been pretty up and down in the depression front. Still living north of Seattle. My entertainment of choice is still WoW. I miss speaking Spanish sometimes--not any Spanish, mind you, but the butchered and funny Chilean Spanish.

I'm going to try to post a little more often while I figure out what to do about this thing--writing something will hopefully help me get out of my own head some.

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