Saturday, August 05, 2006

The internet is for [food] porn.

I have been reading a lot about cooking and food in general. I really really want to cook, and I have a lot more energy now (more on this later), but I still can't, for example, stand at the stove for any extended period of time. So I'm living vicariously through food sites. My favorite right now is the Julie/Julia Project, which is excellent and very funny. I had heard about the book, but the blog had completely passed me--probably around the same time that blogs were becoming popular, and I avoided them like the plague, because a lot of the noise coming out of the blogosphere that everyone was all atwitter about, was just everyone echoing everyone else's take on the news. Plus, even though I host my ramblings here at blogspot, I reserve the right to feel "pfft, blogs! I had an online journal when you people were still in junior high! People used finger to get my entries! Damn young people."

At any rate, I highly recommend it, if you happened to have missed it the first time around like I did. One side effect though, I find myself swearing more than usual (which is a fair bit!) after reading.

I have also been reading chile.rec.cocina, since I've been sort of craving Chilean food. Not just the traditional recipes you make for independence day, but just the stuff that Chileans eat every day. Chilean food is sort of funny; there are some really tasty things, some that are very time consuming, and some weird retro pre-foodie things--lots of things in molds, for example; the idea of simple meals seems without merit to a lot of people (ie, if you just make something with olive oil and garlic, it might be tasty, but it doesn't count as a real meal, because it wasn't hard enough). At any rate, it's nice to read people speaking in "Chilean," and it reminds me of both the things that I love about the country, and why it's supremely stupid in some ways. A lot of ways. But that's also another entry.

But, stupidity or not, I would do all kinds of dirty things for a curanto right now. Mmm giant fish dishes...(here's a recipe, though in Spanish, if you're interested)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for updating you! I missed your entries :)

dusky xx